The Fabulous Fleetwood Mac

Monday, October 15, 2007

#7 Ipod Broken boo hoo..

Now it is time to write about something technological i will write of my beloved IPod (R.I.P). We have been together now for a couple of years and i thought things were ticking along nicely untill yesterday when we go to enjoy a lovely run in the sunshine and i find that he has gone to a better place (that being IPod heaven where apparently all go after four years solid use), so now i find myself without my friend and cruising (great site) for a new IPod. The new nano 8GB seems to be the one for me as it has the new cover flow and is the perfect size as a running companion ( we all need to get out there now that the days are getting warmer), so then goodbye ny old friend i hope your replacement will give me as many happy days as you have!!!

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