The Fabulous Fleetwood Mac

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

#16 Wikis

Yes we are up to i like Wikis when they are used for group planning and discussion i think this freedom to edit and save as you go and then see what others have written is fantastic, my friends have a constant need to 'Reply all' in regards to emails, now when there is 50 people on a list this can get fustrating to constantly receive emails that are of no use to you. So on that note i give the common Wiki and its concept a thumbs up!, in regards to Wikis popular child Wikipedia i'm not so sure, the positives turn to negatives when too many people can edit and information that can be taken as 'gospel' can often be misleading or incorrect.
When it comes to Wiki use in libraries i am all for it after having a look @ the Princeton booklovers Wiki (which i was forced to tag after realising i had been there for probably longer than i should have!), what a great idea, let people add their own book reviews to public library sites and then have subsequent Wiki bookgroups independent of the library!, great that's my thoughts on young Wiki :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


yum yum yes it is delicious!!!, so i am a little out of order but i really wanted to do the part of 2.0 properly, so with a little help from my friends ( thank you Jonathan ) i am very happy to say i feel i have mastered it and now am happy to post my findings for your viewing pleasure....

#15 Library 2.0 perspectives...

Well i have just read through the various library 2.o perspectives and found it all to be somewhat overwhelming jargon, very interesting all the same yet quite complicated for me to get my head round some aspects. I did however enjoy what Dr. Wendy Schultz had to say and her opinions for the future and wholeheartedly agree with the things that are envisioned for the future of infinity and beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

#14 Technorati

Well i have had a little play round with technorati and signed up (why not, when in Rome...), i am though a little unsure that my tag may be somewhat misleading if any poor soul did fine their way to my blog for i feel i may disappoint, yes i have made young Stevie Nicks my tag but alas i feel i am not worthy and still need a lot more added to my blog to make it remotely appealing to any self loving Stevie fan... so on that note if you have stumbled here in hope of Stevie i ask just give me some time i am trying and will hopefully update soon...:)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

rollyo maybe no such a go...

Well i have just had a good play round with rollyo and i don't think its my bag, i found it quite complicated and so far not very helpful, maybe i am just not using it to its full advantage but i don't know if it is something i will use much in the future, but alas i am still happy all the same that i have had a little play as we all love a little play....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Library Thing is ace!!!

well i have just been on Library thing and it is fantastic, what a simple and effective way of cataloging all my favourite books!. Now i want to do all my books at home too!, this is a Librarians' ( or the Library Officer) dream!. Cool now where shall i explore next?.....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Stevie Nicks on top of the world!

Well through some play on a certain generator i have discovered what we all knew already that the one and only Stevie Nicks should in fact be running America, oh what a world it would be, 'Rock on Gold dust Woman...' Rock on.....

Sunday, October 21, 2007


well after some help from my faithfull assistant i have managed to get the bloglines part of my blog up and running. Now at first i was dubious as to the usefullness of this addition but i am pleased to say i am a believer!. Bloglines is ace how it allows me to look at all my favourite things so quickly, never will i doubt the wisdom of 2.o again!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

#7 Ipod Broken boo hoo..

Now it is time to write about something technological i will write of my beloved IPod (R.I.P). We have been together now for a couple of years and i thought things were ticking along nicely untill yesterday when we go to enjoy a lovely run in the sunshine and i find that he has gone to a better place (that being IPod heaven where apparently all go after four years solid use), so now i find myself without my friend and cruising (great site) for a new IPod. The new nano 8GB seems to be the one for me as it has the new cover flow and is the perfect size as a running companion ( we all need to get out there now that the days are getting warmer), so then goodbye ny old friend i hope your replacement will give me as many happy days as you have!!!

Flickr Fun

While playing with some Flickr images i happened to stumble upon a slightly interesting magazine called 'Bears Most Wanted'. Well it just goes to show you that there is something out there for every demographic, who would of thought a bear would be hiding out at a local library. I guess now we will have to be onguard during bed time storytimes as i seem to recall a few shady characters turned up for it last time (don't let the little fluffy ears fool you, these bears can be very dangerous if provoked).

#6&7 Flickr fun and mashups

Monday, October 1, 2007

Well we seem to have mastered somewhat this Flickr thing with the help of some friendly bovines (from the foot of the cathedral mountains, ah you lucky cows), now onward and upward to whatever challenges lay ahead....
Week 3, # 5 Flickr

... 'How can we get on board this Blog thing, maybe if we all stand in a row and stare then someone will add us to their page!'